Where growing, making & good living come together

Things I’m getting unduly over-excited about this week

Posted by on Thursday 7 April 2011 in growing | 6 comments

1. The sunny weather
It’s just glorious out there.

2. The sunny-yet-windy weather meaning clothes line dry super quickly
I put out a load yesterday morning and another this morning – and both lots were dry by about lunchtime. Smashing!

3. All the green halos appearing on the trees
The sycamores started last week but the silver birches just yesterday – the leaf buds are at the ends of such spindly little branches that the buds look just like a green haze.

4. The elderflower buds are thinking about taking shape
I noticed this while having a cup of tea on the balcony earlier – the tree next to the house is budding up. Elderflowers fritters in a couple of weeks, yay!

5. That cup of tea on the balcony in the aforementioned glorious sunny weather
We generally have good tea but then perhaps, say, one in 20 cups of tea are just perfect. Perfect temperature, strength & sweetness. The sunshine & animals accompanying me at that time just added to it.

6. My previously floppy-leaved lettuces are pulling themselves into heads
I mentioned this on Twitter and ViksterBean said: “Isn’t it great when veg suddenly starts to look like veg, if you know what I mean?!” I do know what she means and it’s just jolly marvellous!

7. My first batch of tomato seedlings
I lost loads of baby tomatoes to the Great Damping Off Crisis of 2011 so I’m feeling very protective of the ones that made it through – and my babies are doing well.

8. The first early potatoes are starting to peek their heads through the first level of soil
Nearly time to level up! (Oh and to plant out the rest too.)

9. The fact we just had toasties for lunch
John and I both get over excited about toastie-maker toasties considering it’s just beans, cheese & crappy white bread (well, and peanut butter for him, and tabasco sauce for me). I think it’s a residual thing from childhood when we weren’t allowed them often because our mums considered it too much faff to clean the toastie maker afterwards (and cleaning it ourselves would be unthinkable). Today’s toasties were especially exciting as I had a nutella one as a lunch dessert. Mmm, vegetable oil.

10. Anticipation for 10pm on Saturday night
When our last performance comes to an end. Last year, my fellow tutor Karen and I were dancing/singing along backstage due to hysteria/relief on the last night of the show; this year, the hysterical/nervous dancing started last night, the final dress rehearsal. It’s the first performance tonight. I’m not on stage but I’m the stage manager so that means I have to make sure all 43 hyper teenagers are where they’re supposed to be when they’re supposed to be there. 10pm on Saturday night will be sweeeeeet.

Are you unduly excited about anything this week? What’s got you embarrassingly giddy?

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