Where growing, making & good living come together

Actually, make that nine edible things

Posted by on Tuesday 27 September 2011 in chickens, growing | 6 comments

After writing the last post about all the edible stuff still in the garden, I let the chickens out for a play in the garden in the sunshine.

I now no longer have any swiss chard.

I better get some bloomin’ great eggs tomorrow.


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  1. Tanya @ Lovely Greens

    And I’ll bet they’ll taste great :)

  2. Rachel

    Oh dear :(
    Well, if you didn’t have chickens to eat your slugs, I bet the slugs would have had them by now. I’m not sure if that’s any consolation…

  3. strowger

    our swiss chard is rubbish too. lizzie put loads of effort into it and it’s gone nowhere – there’s about enough for one meal.

    • louisa

      our (bright lights) swiss chard came good in the end – we had a good number (for us/our garden) of big healthy plants until the chickens descended yesterday. They’ve been nibbling at it for a few months actually, but not to the extent of yesterday.

      I’ll grow it again next year – probably some for them in the bed they’re eating from in the pics (the one near the run) and another spot further up in the garden for us.

  4. Linda

    Swiss chard is called silverbeet here and is a heavy feeder needing regular water. Mines great and now self seeding. No good if you let the chooks on it as they’ll strip it as you’ve seen!

  5. strowger

    ah now beet varities is a whole world of confusion!

    our “swiss chard” has green leaves with red stalks, and the root isn’t normally eaten. i have some “perpetual spinach” which is a very similar plant, which has grown so profusely that we’ve had as much as we’ve wanted for months out of 5 plants. really spectacular.

    lou, how’s today’s eggs?

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