Experimenting in the garden: leeks & tomatoes
As I mentioned in my “lessons from our garden so far” post, this year is about experimentation in our garden. It’s our first growing season in a new place, with very different sun, light & soil conditions from anywhere I’ve grown before so it’s interesting to generally see what works and what doesn’t. I know what the books say will work and what the books say I should do, but sometimes that doesn’t mean squat ;)
There are a couple of areas where I’m experimenting a bit more specifically.
A number of respected sources recommended lopping off the top thirds of the leaves and the bottom third of the roots on transplanting. Other equally respected sources recommended transplanting them as they are and “not mutilating them”. So I decided to half-and-half my leeklings – or rather third/third/third them because I ran out of space, and had to plant the third in another spot. So my leeks experiment is:
- some leeklings top & tailed
- some leeklings left intact
- some leeklings in a bed where they’ve been trampled on by the cats & my clumsy boyfriend.
I think it might be between the first two about which is more successful.
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