Where growing, making & good living come together

October mini-goals

Posted by on Monday 3 October 2011 in goals | 2 comments

After meh-ness and illness in September, I’m keen to get achieving again in October. I’m thinking of even having a proper scheduled week off work too – it’ll be my first full proper non-ill week off since last October and like I did last year, I’ll hopefully tick some things off my annual goal list before it’s too late!

  • 1. Design & make a (wooden) laundry hamper to fit the exact space available in the bedroom
  • 2. Make a cushion for the new shoe bench in the porch (broken into sub-parts so I can tick off as I go!)
    1. measure & buy foam to size or research & source a filling alternative
    2. source fabric
    3. put together into a cushion
  • 3. Do the final-final-final snagging in the bathroom. It’s about two hours work but I can’t get motivated to do it. We started renovating the bathroom on the last day of February. I think it’s about time it was finished once and for all!
  • 4. Get my company accounts & personal tax stuff for 2010-2011 finalised, signed off and paid. (This is mostly a work thing but on here because a. I really need to do them so I can pay the tax before the start of January deadline & avoid a fine and b. we want to change our mortgage on our house before the end of the year too, which should save us a lot of money in the long run.)
  • 5. Batch cook at least two (x two servings) meals for the freezer — and John will probably make the same amount. We rather depleted our homemade ready meals supply while I was ill so it’ll be good to build it back up again.

And not exactly a simple living goal but something John & I are doing:

  • 6. Draw a self-portrait, and a portrait of the other person, every day.

Do you have any mini goals for this month?


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  1. Lynsey aka Swirlyarts

    February isn’t a long time to have something unfinished – we have things needing to be finished from *whispers* 4 years ago….. :)

  2. Jono / Real Men Sow

    Hey Louisa,

    Maybe it is the time of year, but I’m feeling the same about mini-lists and taking some time off to just get stuff licked.

    My allotment just needs a general clear up and still got loads of fruit and veg to preserve, but its a case of getting there and doing it. Making the work a priority, if you like.

    Sounds like a few days off is calling for both of us!

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